Greetings from the 24th Illustrious Potentate

Kilum Allahamdu,
On behalf of the Nobles of Al Azhar Temple No. 195, Oasis of Huntsville, Desert of Alabama, I welcome you to our website. You will find valuable information concerning many of our activities and events for Al Azhar Temple No. 195 on this website. I am grateful for the honor of being elected as the 24th Illustrious Potentate which gives me the distinction and privilege of following in the footsteps of the great leaders before me. The Divan and I are excited about the events and activities that are set on our calendar for the upcoming year. We encourage you to participate in the activities that are open to the public.
Your support in these activities enables us to continue to support the various initiatives that we contribute to in North Alabama. Activities such as the Children’s Christmas Party, Christmas in May, Diabetes Walk, awarding of scholarships to deserving High School Seniors, are ways that our impact is weighs on this community. These opportunities to serve our community also gives us the opportunity to bond with each other. We commit ourselves to that dedicated work ethic and commitment.
As Alabama’s Premier Temple of Prince Hall Shriners, Al Azhar Temple No. 195 is committed to the initiatives set forth by our Imperial Council. These initiatives include Shriner’s as Mentors, American Diabetes Initiative, and continued support of HBCU’s. I am very proud of the effort each Noble puts in when called upon. This hard work and effort is what solidifies our mantra “The Mighty 19Nickel”
Thank you for visiting our website. We hope that you will visit and participate in one of our many activities while in this area. You will also have the pleasure of enjoying good old Southern Hospitality!
Yours in Shrinedom
Lathan B. Strong
24th Illustrious Potentate
Al Azhar Temple No. 195
“The Mighty One Nine Nickel”
On behalf of the Nobles of Al Azhar Temple No. 195, Oasis of Huntsville, Desert of Alabama, I welcome you to our website. You will find valuable information concerning many of our activities and events for Al Azhar Temple No. 195 on this website. I am grateful for the honor of being elected as the 24th Illustrious Potentate which gives me the distinction and privilege of following in the footsteps of the great leaders before me. The Divan and I are excited about the events and activities that are set on our calendar for the upcoming year. We encourage you to participate in the activities that are open to the public.
Your support in these activities enables us to continue to support the various initiatives that we contribute to in North Alabama. Activities such as the Children’s Christmas Party, Christmas in May, Diabetes Walk, awarding of scholarships to deserving High School Seniors, are ways that our impact is weighs on this community. These opportunities to serve our community also gives us the opportunity to bond with each other. We commit ourselves to that dedicated work ethic and commitment.
As Alabama’s Premier Temple of Prince Hall Shriners, Al Azhar Temple No. 195 is committed to the initiatives set forth by our Imperial Council. These initiatives include Shriner’s as Mentors, American Diabetes Initiative, and continued support of HBCU’s. I am very proud of the effort each Noble puts in when called upon. This hard work and effort is what solidifies our mantra “The Mighty 19Nickel”
Thank you for visiting our website. We hope that you will visit and participate in one of our many activities while in this area. You will also have the pleasure of enjoying good old Southern Hospitality!
Yours in Shrinedom
Lathan B. Strong
24th Illustrious Potentate
Al Azhar Temple No. 195
“The Mighty One Nine Nickel”